Artist form - Winterspektakel

Application form for artists

Thank you very much for your interest in Winterspektakel 2022/2023 in Hamburg. The Winterspektakel includes a 70-minute show that is a modern mixture of different artistic genres as well as live music performance. We are interested in all kinds of artistic, music, comedy and entertainment art. Artists from all over the world are invited to apply for the show. Performances with animals are NOT accepted!

You can send in your applications whenever you like, we have got plenty of different projects to choose from... We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Preliminary DATES:
Rehearsals: December 2nd to 7th
Public Shows: December 8th to January 8th
Departure: January 9th

We take applications solely from professional artists. Please send your application only once! In case we´re interested in your act we will get back to you.

1. Personal details

Number of group members:
Date of birth:

2. Education & working experience

3. Details about the performance

Length of act:
(as precisely
as possible)

Salary expectations - please feel free to describe several posibilities, like per time period, per project, flexibilities or different formats are discussible as well

Web links will give us a first impression of you act. Please use Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud or Spotify or similar, do not send in download links. Live video footage of your act is of our special interest.